I love my friend April. I've been wanting to get a second hole in my ear, and she wanted to have hers repierced so we went to Claire's in the mall today! It was kinda funny - being 30 and getting a second hole. I was nervous. Although I have had several piercings and tattoos, I still don't enjoy it. Although people do say piercings and tattoos are addictive (don't worry Mom and Dad, I'm not getting any more anytime soon!).
Tonight Will and I met our friend Chris Jenkins at the fair in Columbus. Fairs in general scare me. I'm terrified of heights - the last time I rode the swings was in Little Rock with our friends Jason and Leslie Harper. I prayed if God would let me off, I'd never get back on the swings again. And I haven't. Thankfully the fair in the JC Penny parking lot in Columbus is just for kids.
Carnie's scare me too. Why do we trust our lives into the hands of some of these people (one of whom is pictured below). Another carnie had her 4 month baby with her behind her duck game. I wonder who her baby daddy is.
Caleb had a great time. He is such a cute kid, and very photogenic (he's used to having a camera in his face because his dad is also a photographer). I love his hair. Maybe mine and Will's kids will have curly hair like Calebs (although I hope ours is red headed!).
Thanks Chris and Caleb for letting us hang out with you guys tonight.
I love Fridays because Will usually has off on Friday. Today we slept late - well, late for most people, it was actually our normal time to get up (9:30). We decided we would take Bo to Lake Lowndes to go swimming. Will really feels sorry for Bo because he doesn't get any exercise. When we lived in Jackson, we took him to the Reservoir a lot, and he loved it! He's such a funny dog. He fell asleep on the drive out there (which shows he had no idea where we were going despite me repeatedly asking him, "Want to go swimming?"). Once we got out there, he loved swimming and running around. We were surprised he didn't try to catch the geese and ducks. Will and I just laid on a blanket and looked at the trees. It was very relaxing in spite of the heat and ants. I love being with both my boys on Fridays.
Wow, you can tell we don't have children yet - this is the longest post I've ever written.
I have really been looking forward to photographing Rachel and Paul's wedding for a long time. From the first time Rachel and I met to talk about wedding photography at Sheharazad's in Starkville, I knew they were going to be a lot of fun to work with.
This car is Rachel's grandad's. Isn't it beautiful?
Rachel's family has a tradition of taking pictures in front of this monument in the drill field at MS State. As soon as the ceremony in the chapel was over, we ran (literally) to the drill field to take some pictures in front of it. I told them it looks like the statue is looking down on them as they kiss.
Who doesn't love Rachel's Jessica Simpson blue shoes???
This was my third time to photograph Jay and Holly in the past year. I love watching children grow up and develop personalities. Jay didn't understand why we had to take so many pictures - what 4 year old really gets a photo shoot anyway, right? Holly was either super serious or laughing hysterically. I have never seen a child look more like her father than Holly!
Thanks Katy for letting me take their pictures again!
I'm finally posting some pictures from Melody and Adam's wedding. It was such a beautiful ceremony in the old Broadmoor church (which is now Wesley Biblical Seminary). And the reception was at the Red Barn in Northpointe (literally a red barn in the middle of a neighborhood!).
The groomsmen forgot stuff to decorate the car with, so they "wrote" on the truck in duck tape (that that they got out of Adam's truck!).