Monday, March 22, 2010

Garrison's due date

Today is Garrison's actual due date. That is so hard to believe since he is already three and a half weeks old! People have told me that time flies by, and I really believe it. Will and I had a date Friday night (thank you Nana and Pop for keeping G), and over dinner we were talking about the past three weeks. We would never ever want to relive spending two weeks in the hospital while Garrison was in the NICU, but those times were precious. We scrolled through pictures on our phones, and it broke my heart to see him with a feeding tube, an IV, and monitors all over him. We know God has a plan for this little boy's life and being in the NICU was part of that plan. The staff at the hospital was incredible. From Robin, my delivery nurse, to all the nurses in the NICU (Carrie even gave him a faux hawk one night after his bath!), we couldn't have asked for more attentive, caring people.

As he lays in my arms, there are so many things I already love about him:
- that he is home and no longer in the NICU
- the way he throws his arms up when he stretches
- his sweet yawn
- his soft, dark baby hair
- his half laugh/half cry that sounds like a hyena
- his big blue eyes that are getting darker and darker
- his sweet lips that are Will’s lips
- his bow legs that look just like his daddy’s
- how peaceful he sleeps
- that he loves to have his hands close to his face, especially when he sleeps
- that the only paci he would take for the first two weeks was homemade out of a bottle nipple (thank you Donna from the NICU for making it for him)

Will and I love this little boy, and we love each other. We are now a family of three (with two dogs).


Amber said...

Look at that beautiful boy! I'm so glad he's well and HOME! Congratulations, sweet girl. I'd tell you to soak up all the sweetness of these early moments at home with him, but I know you already are. Can't wait to see more beautiful pictures of him!

Unknown said...

more pictures please