Sunday, April 25, 2010

Garrison is 2 months!!

I can't believe our baby is two months old! Well, first of all, I can't believe we actually have a baby. Infertility is a process that is long, emotional, and sometimes very lonely. But everything we went through, every shot I took, every doctor's visit we had, every tear we cried was completely worth is. Garrison is such a blessing; one that we are thankful for every day.

Initially my goal was to take a picture of Garrison every day. That didn't last long. So now my goal is to take a picture of him each month to show how much he's grown. I don't think I posted his picture in his one month onesie, so here are both months.

Each day we learn something new about Garrison. These are the things I love about him right now:
- when he stretches, his arms fly up over his head because he has no control over them. It's precious.
- his ears are different. His left ear is shaped just like mine. His right ear is shaped just like Will's (it even sticks out more!)
- When he's crying, he pokes out his bottom lip. It's cute and sad at the same time.
- When he is full, his little tummy pokes out.
- When he's falling asleep, he makes these sweet noises and squeeks. Then he breathes a deep sigh when he's fully relaxed. It's like he finally gives up and falls asleep.

We are so thankful for our little booger.


Brad, Amy, Bes and Mae said...

Just adorable! It makes my heart smile to know that y'all FINALLY have a little one to love.

Welcome to the Shit Show! said...

I love him. And his parents.